Friday, April 20, 2018

Why businesses fail to click on the launch of new product or technology?

 A lot of businesses fail to take the attention of the user’s perspective mainly for the reason that the products that were introduced is a mere upgrade to their existing product or technology hence the business case loses since the basic principle of the survival of the product does not get altered in the scenario, in other words the users will only check for product which are vital and crucial to their business or need, rather than just a add-on to their existing product.

Necessity is the mother of invention

For example with the introduction of the latest mobile phones users tend to check the latest configurations however companies who manufacture them have to by default build all the basic configuration of a mobile phone on the chip for example camera, motherboard, ic chipset of the previous configuration and cannot use this to sell the mobile by itself. As technology grows a lot of features become so much accepted by users that they don’t even bother whether these features are included and it becomes a responsibility of the manufacturer to include this in the version which he is currently come up with.
Having said that we cannot always think of innovation without keeping in mind the user requirements and needs there are many products that were invented only for the well-being of individuals however this inventions have been very beneficial to the mankind like the toothbrush, toothpaste, but still without their need still individuals can survive. The purpose of this abstract is to clearly define the need and survival aspects of a product.
Once scientists and manufacturers start to think from this angle then there will be an array of products that will hold good for the users in particular. Currently companies like Apple and Samsung are already dong this in the mobile space however very much less done in the field of science and medicine and things need to improve since anything which is linked to human life and values needs to be given the utmost importance and rest of the other things can be prioritized according to needs whenever it arises. Medical technology has advanced a lot with respect to the devices but not as compared to the mobile technology or any other entertainment technology which gives a clear distinction about the concept that is being trying to be explained. This is a clear request for the technology firms to invest wisely and equally in all the sectors and not be biased about such products.

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